Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Towing Your New Trailer

Author: W. H. Ingle

Source: articleage.com

You have bought a new trailer and have your first trip all
planned out. Are you ready to start out on your trip? Assuming
you have done all inspections for your, gas regulator, trailer and cargo, then
here are a few tips for being on the road and towing your
trailer safely. Remember, there is a big difference between just
driving your vehicle and hauling a load behind, gas regulator, it. Handling
characteristics will be startlingly different. Practicing on
roads with little traffic or even in empty parking lots will
help to give you a feel for how your vehicle will handle in
different situations. And while in a deserted parking lot,, gas regulator, it is
a good time to practice backing and parking.

To back, gas regulator, a trailer, turn your wheel right to back right and turn
your wheel left to back left. Oversteering can cause the trailer
to turn sharply, so do gradual movements. If, gas regulator, you get in a bind,
just pull forward and straighten everything out and try again.

Don't forget to consult your vehicles's owners manual for
information on the correct driving gear when towing. If your
manual is unavailable, call the dealer for your make of vehicle.
Usually the service department has all the information you need
and may have a few tips on the do's and don'ts that may be
useful to you.

Always drive at moderate speeds when towing. Some states, gas regulator, even
have laws and regulations for driving, gas regulator, a certain speed below the
posted limit when towing a trailer. Just be sure to leave plenty
of time for your trip and don't get in a hurry. This will also
put less strain on your towing vehicle and may help in avoiding
breakdowns. Also, driving at moderate speeds can avoid trailer
sway .

While driving, it is essential you stay alert for potential
problems ahead. Lane changes and braking are best when planned.
Heavy braking can cause great problems such as sliding or even
jack knifing, not to mention the extreme strain on your trailer,
cargo or animals. A good rule of thumb on following distance of
the vehicle in front of you is one and a half to two car lengths
for every ten miles an hour of speed when towing. If people pull
in front of you, drop back. Better safe than sorry. Try to
anticipate having to stop for lights or traffic and begin
slowing ahead, gas regulator, of time. Remember, your braking time and distance
are going to increase, gas regulator, with a heavy load behind you. Try to avoid
sudden steering maneuvers that could put you out of control when
towing a load.

If the road you are traveling is bumpy or even gravel, you will
need to travel at much slower speeds, gas regulator, to maintain control. Gravel
or "rutty" roads can even cause your vehicle and/or trailer to
"float" and cause you to face disaster. Road and weather
conditions will have an even greater effect on how you drive
when towing.

When you make your first turn towing a trailer, you must
remember to compensate for a much wider turn. The trailer's
wheels will be, gas regulator, much further to the inside of a turn than the
towing vehicle's. The trailer will ride up on the curb, or into
a ditch or, on left turns, even sideswipe, gas regulator, vehicles.

There are other problems on the highway in dealing with other
traffic and wind conditions. Large vehicles can cause wind
shifts as they pass you. Just keep your hands on the wheel
firmly and avoid over compensating. If the winds start your
trailer swaying, do not hit the brakes. Instead, use the trailer
brake activator to lightly apply the brakes on your trailer. Try
shifting into a lower gear and decreasing the speed of your
vehicle. Just hitting the brakes on the tow vehicle can make the
sway worse as centrifugal force, gas regulator, pushes, gas regulator, the trailer forward.

If you have to pass another vehicle by changing lanes, please
anticipate the much longer time, gas regulator, needed for most vehicles when
towing. Signal well in advance. Avoid passing on steep
grades.You will need to start acceleration earlier and realize
your tow vehicle will need much more time to pass when carrying
a load. Make sure there is plenty of time to avoid oncoming
traffic and leave plenty of clearance before moving back into
your lane. You don't want to hit the vehicle your passing with
your trailer.

When traveling on roads with soft shoulders, avoid getting the
trailer wheels off the pavement. Contacting the, gas regulator, soft shoulder
can cause the trailer to start to sway. If it happens, don't
panic. Do not try to steer right back onto the pavement or hard
surface. Take your foot off the gas pedal, gas regulator, but don't hit the tow
vehicles brakes. Activate the trailer brakes by hand and easily
tap your vehicle brakes. Downshift if possible. When you have
reached a much slower speed and your trailer is under control,
gradually ease the wheels back onto the road.

When encountering steep, gas regulator, grades you will notice different
handling, gas regulator, characteristics when towing. On a steep downhill grade
the trailer can actually, gas regulator, push your vehicle, gas regulator, . Anticipate this, gas regulator, and
downshift, gas regulator, and let off the gas a little. You may have to use your
trailer brakes hand control to slow you but don't ride them.
Only, gas regulator, tap them intermittently to avoid overheating of the brakes
and ultimately, brake failure.. When facing a steep upgrade you
should start accelerating early if possible. Again, you may have
to downshift and keep increasing your gas pedal to compensate
for the drag on you going uphill. As you reach the crest of the
grade start backing off the pedal. A steep grade will test your
tow vehicles limits.

Once you have reached your, gas regulator, destination you have to find a place
to park your "rig". It's best to avoid parking on a grade. The
more level the parking area the better. If you have to park on a
grade, it is best to chock the wheels. Hopefully, you have some
with you. If you have someone to help, have them guide you into
the spot. You can't always rely on the mirrors as the trailer
may block your view. Once stopped, keep your foot on the brake,
turn your wheels toward the curb (pointed in on a down hill, out
on an uphill), apply the parking brake and then shift into park,
or with a manual, your lowest gear. This method helps avoid
locking your transmission due to, gas regulator, the extra load.

If you are on even a small grade and you plan to unhitch your
trailer, you must apply chocks to the trailers wheels to avoid
the trailer from rolling away when uncoupled. Just having the
lift down will not make it stable. Jack stands also come in
handy to level your load.I hope this article has provided you
with useful information but it is not intended to be the " be
all and end all" of trailering safety. Read everything you can
and talk to other more experienced trailer owners for tips on
do's and don'ts. Contact your state governments transportation
department and familiarize yourself with laws, regulations and
even local ordinances regarding trailers and towing.